Thank you as always for sharing. My 23 year old boyfriend gave me (barely 18) the money and I went with my two best friends. I recall it being ~$400 in 2000.

One of my friends (who is now a conservative Christian republican stay at home mom fitness addict, married to an inter-generational wealth finance bro haha and no we are not friends anymore) was so hung over that she crawled to the second floor of the Planned Parenthood building where the offices were that were closed on Saturdays) to take a nap while were downstairs in the medical facility area of the building. My other friend (who is a Nurse practitioner and all around bad ass who ironically got pregnant two years later but remained pregnant and had a son), had to go looking for her, not understanding where she was, she even checked the car at some point. It became a big joke between us.

I actually don't remember where I stayed right after the abortion, must have been with friends or perhaps the boyfriend, to not be at home. I felt nothing but relief as well, and again in 2004 when my Nuva Ring fell out unknown to me, during sex, and stayed that way for over 24 hours in the sheets of the bed. Relief.

I'm 42 now, never had children and thankful for that. I am only now reaching some level of financial security that feels...kinda safe? As safe as one can be in a society that will bankrupt for your medical bills (in the USA). I'm so thankful for my child-free journey. I mourn the potential futures of the youth today who do not have the same access that I did.

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Am with you in mourning that safe access to abortion isn’t available to all. Continually grateful for my experience, even if paying for it was so hard at the time.

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