Hi Margeaux,

I've never been able to get Instagram to work for me, so can't be much help.

Good luck to you, and thanks for being vulnerable.

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Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable! I think one thing to consider about the algorithm, as well, is that a lot of people’s feeds are likely to be drastically different than they were before Oct 7. I know that mine is now mostly dominated with genocide and I have to consciously seek out other content. So sometimes that means I have to search for something else and I don’t always remember to do that when I’m so engaged with the horrors of the world. The other thing to consider is that I feel like everyone I talk to is burnt tf out, including very much myself . I don’t have extra money, time, energy or bandwidth to add anything more to my plate. While I would love to do some enriching activities, engage with others and have some time for my interests, I find myself craving rest and recovery in my limited downtime. Wishing you a path forward that feels good to you.

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I super appreciate you sharing these insights. I totally hear that too re: feeds being filled with the horrors of the world + so much exhaustion. The world truly is a lot right now. Hope you're managing to access some rest and recovery.

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OOOF! You know I feel this so much. It's truly awful on Instagram these days. I'm trying to do less in that space, but it's the place where I have the most followers and most visibility (on a good algorithm day), and I started it in 2013 and ughhhhh, it's all so hard. I see you <3

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Thank you for the commiseration friend -- and I'm sorry that it's resonating with you too <3

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Hi Margeaux, I have so much to say here, but first, thank you for being vulnerable and transparent with your numbers, because it’s always super helpful for content creators to see the reality behind the hype. I used to do content creation with an old Instagram that was shut down years ago before I took five years off social media for my own mental health. I work as a trauma therapist with a variety modalities, and I have courses on Udemy and I have launched courses and projects with social media related to trauma on and off for more than a decade. so I really can’t speak to any other niche, but I know in this one historically the people who follow me and engage with me tend to struggle with money. I found in my work over time that a history of childhood trauma, which tends to be what I work with, often goes hand-in-hand with money problems in adult life, and that means that it’s just really a difficult niche to monetise in this way. Historically I have really high engagement through my website and local biz listings, and I can say that my local business and even my international practice is very very busy with 1-1 work. People are more likely to pay me for one on one sessions and they are to do anything else with me and most of my work is actually through google my business, although I do have some people who come from SEO or my website or Pinterest. I only have 500+ instagram followers so it’s not a channel for me as after my last one was shut down I just gave up and took care of me! Have tried many things and my courses on trauma sell super well in Udemy but I get like $5 per student there so it’s not an earner 😂 though I’m grateful it helps people!

I don’t know if any of this helps or makes you feel any better, but I think a lot of it is the demographic. I wish it weren’t the case and I think that in times like this where we have an unprecedented high-level of trauma in the general population partly due to how news is saturated with genuinely awful things, it is conversely those who need help who are less likely to get it because they go into their defensive strategies. Anyway, lots of love to you, I enjoy reading your Substack and please keep us posted on what you discover! I will follow you on Instagram and share a couple of your things! I think I have my personal page link to my Substack but my work page is @academyforhealers

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Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for this thoughtful response and for sharing your insights and experiences. The majority of folks who engage with my work are also poor/low-income which makes so much sense to me for all of the reasons you've listed and more. Thank you for sharing some of my work over on your IG <3

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